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Unlocking the Secrets of Therapy: A Deep Dive with Erica Gregory and Claire Booz | JCACounseling Podcast Short

In this compelling episode of the JCAC podcast, Erica and Counselor Claire Booz delve into the nuanced aspects of therapy, offering listeners a thought-provoking exploration of key therapeutic concepts and analogies.

Challenging How to Challenge "Should" CBT Techniques | JCACounseling Podcast Short

The Power of "Should" in Therapy: Erica and Claire examine the role of the term "should" in therapy. They discuss how societal and self-imposed expectations can shape our approach to therapy and influence our personal growth. This segment highlights the pressure to conform to certain standards and how it can impact our therapeutic journey.

Emotional Suppression vs. Radical Honesty: The conversation shifts to the conflict between suppressing emotions and embracing radical honesty in therapy. Claire and Erica explore the challenges of hiding true feelings and the transformative power of being completely honest. They discuss why expressing genuine emotions is vital for effective therapy and long-term healing.

Therapy as Surgery: Claire presents a striking analogy that likens therapy to surgery. This powerful comparison sheds light on the therapeutic process, emphasizing that, much like a surgical procedure, therapy involves deep, sometimes uncomfortable work to achieve lasting change. Claire explains why this analogy helps in understanding the necessity of facing difficult emotions and undergoing transformative personal work.

The Wait to Seek Help: Why do many people delay seeking help? Erica and Claire explore the common reasons behind procrastination in reaching out for support. They discuss the various barriers—fear, stigma, and denial—that contribute to this delay and offer practical advice on overcoming these obstacles to seek help sooner.

This episode is packed with insights that challenge conventional thinking about therapy and motivate listeners to embrace honesty and seek help without delay. Tune in for a rich, engaging discussion that will reshape your understanding of therapy and encourage proactive steps towards healing.