What Things Are You Grateful For?
By: Chloe, Clinical Intern with JCAC

Gratitude comes defined differently for each person. While searching the web, I wondered what is the best way to show what it looks like, and I found this wonderful picture. After looking at it, I wanted to create my own! This task took a little while, but I was able to come up with my own graphic, that put together the things that I was grateful for. I hope this little picture, inspires all of us to take the moment and look inward and show appreciation for the things we have!

To learn more about our counseling practice visit: www.JCACounseling.com or call 404-834-2663
To schedule a time to talk with a counselor visit: https://calendly.com/JCACounseling
1) Anxiety Explained: https://youtu.be/qpYjuwqYpo4
2) PTSD & Anxiety: https://youtu.be/4glwXQNbODs
3) GRIEF & Anxiety: https://youtu.be/ZADb3WFLtAY
Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling (#JCAC) is a warm and family orientated counseling practice in Alpharetta, Ga. We offer online counseling services in the states of Georgia and Florida. We offer in-office counseling service at our Alpharetta office which is conveniently located to serve Johns Creek, Milton, Roswell, and Cumming, Ga. The JCAC Counselors specialize in counseling services throughout the lifespan! We offer play therapy, counseling for children, parental support, adolescent counseling, mental health services, couples counseling, premarital therapy, and individual counseling for adults.
#Grateful #Gratitude #Thankful #Thanksgiving #GratitudeAndAxiety #HowToManageAnxiety #DealingWithAnxiety #AnxietyThroughTheRoof #WhatDoIHaveToBeGratefulFor? #HowCanGratitudeHelpMyAnxiety?#HowGratitudeRelievesAnxiety #TurnAnxietyIntoGratitide #HelpRelieveSymptomsOfAnxiety #AlleviateAnxiety #GratitudeHelpsAlleviateAnxiety #GratitudeEffectsMentalHealth #Neurons #Dopamine #UnwantedWorries #UnwantedFears #ChooseGratitude #ChooseToBeGrateful #ChooseToBeThankful #FlipTheScriptOnAnxiety #ReplaceNegativeAndAnxiousThoughts #AlleviateInsomnia #GratitudeAlleviatesInsomnia #ReduceStress #ReduceStressHormones #GratitudeReducesStressHormones #IncreaseHippocampusActivity #GratitudeIncreasesHippocampusActivity #GratitudePositivelyImpactsMemory #GratitudePositivelyImpactsEmotions #PostiveMemories #PositiveEmotions #GratefulAttitude #ChangeYourMindset #HowToTrainYourBrain #GratefulForTheLittleThings #MagnifyTheLittleThings #ActivelyPursueLife #HowToEaseAnxiety #HowToFindSomethingToBeGratefulFor #GratitudeForYourComfort #GratitudeForEverydayThings #LookForThingsToBeGratefulFor #GratefulChallenge #MakeGratitudeAHabit #Journal #GratitudeJournal #GratefulJournal #Meditation #MeditationAndGratitude #QualityGratitude #JCAC #JCACounseling #Anxiety #Depression #Couples#Adolescents #PlayTherapy #Premarital #MentalHealth #Parenting #ChildCounseling #EDMR #SocialSkillsGroups#JCACounselingAndAnxiety #Counseling #CounselingInGeorgia #CounselingInGeorgiaForAnxiety #CounselingInFlorida #CounselingInFloridaForAnxiety #CounselingForAnxiety #OnlineCounseling #Alpharetta #JohnsCreek#AlpharettaCounseling #JohnsCreekCounseling #AlpharettaCounselingForAnxiety #JohnsCreekCounselingForAnxiety #CounselingInJohnsCreek #CounselingInAlpharetta #Online #OnlineCounseling #Virtual #VirtualCounseling #VirtualCounselingInGA #VirtualCounselingInFL